Tuesday 13 May 2008

That was the Week that Wasn't

I don't know why you're all so confused by Labour's latest birl around the referendum question (they're saying "no" again - I think. Some others think it's "mibees aye, mibees naw").
For those of you who don't understand, here it is in graphic form - they're just going straight on:

Simple, isn't it? Just think of it as an eightsome reel for the chronically unbalanced.

Just to make sure we're all clear, Labour's Constitutional Affairs spokesman Malcolm Chisholm (looks like the job titles change daily too) said:

"We believe that the Scottish people have right to have a say in the future of Scotland but as we made clear all of last week we are not going to give the SNP a blank cheque on the question, the voting system, the time-tabling or scrutiny of any bill.
"The SNP have turned down the chance to end the uncertainty facing Scotland and now will be at the mercy of Labour's Parliamentary tactics.

At the mercy of Labour's Parliamentary tactics ...

Like the Budget? The Government accepted Labour's amendment so Labour ... erm ... abstained.

In La-La-Labour land last week never happened. How much more pain will they put themselves through?

They should ask themselves "What Would Helen Do?" WWHD.

Helen Eadie would take a deep breath, admit she'd made a mistake, realised that she can't turn the clock back, admit that there's going to be a referendum in 2010, and look for their best case scenario. They can insist that the referendum is between Independence and the out-turn of the Calman Commission, and they'll have two and a half years to make the case for staying in the UK. I've never heard anyone make a positive case for staying in the UK, so that would be refreshing.

Incidentally, though, one of the big beasts of the Conservative party, having shaken the disbelief out of his head over Wendibles, insisted earlier on that Westminster was going to be the place to watch for Scottish developments over the next 7 years.

7 years? Negotiations will only take a couple of weeks!

Ah, the quotarium:

Duncan McNeil, Tuesday 6th May
"No one in the room had any complaints about the decision that has been taken and we are now in a position where, as a group, we will not vote down any Referendum Bill that comes into the Parliament. That's the change in the Labour group's position today."
Wendy Alexander, Tuesday 6th May
"I was delighted that at the Labour group today not a single colleague advocated the position that we should walk into the lobbies and vote down Scotland's right to choose.

Wendy Alexander, Sunday 11th May
Labour Group 'will not vote down the opportunity for Scotland to speak'

Tune in tomorrow for more exciting adventures!

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