Wednesday 21 January 2009

That's enterprising!

Crawford Gillies has been appointed as the new chair of Scottish Enterprise - confounding uninformed speculation over the position.

It's about doing what's best for Scotland, no matter what the political affiliation.


Stuart Winton said...

Ah, but he's still called Crawford - does that mean it's still cronyism? :0)

Anonymous said...

So someone in The Scotsman organisation heard "Crawford", put 2 and 2 together and made an enormous "gaffe" as they would call it, not to mention their reputation being "in tatters"? Will there be an apology?
I have to confess I've never heard of Crawford Gillies, but that's my fault rather than a criticism of the man. Good luck to him.

Stuart Winton said...


But surely if Crawford Beveridge hadn't been in the running then the SNP or SG should have scotched the speculation?

Either that, or it was a deliberate ploy to discredit SoS and/or the SNP's opponents?

Calum Cashley said...


It's supposed to remain private until it's announced, so it would have been wrong of them to comment on speculation. The correct thing to do was to say nothing and allow the process to be completed properly.


calumcashleyfanclubdownsouth said...

he there calum how r u long time no its a blast ferom the past here so do reply and see if u can find out who it is...

Calum Cashley said...

Down South? Text-speak - could be one of my English cousins ...

Stuart Winton said...

Calum wrote:

"It's supposed to remain private until it's announced, so it would have been wrong of them to comment on speculation. The correct thing to do was to say nothing and allow the process to be completed properly."

But if Crawford Beveridge wasn't in the running then surely there was a duty to refute the speculation for his sake, and since that would have no bearing on the candidates who were being considered.

To that extent it looks like CB was considered but not selected, for whatever reason?

Calum Cashley said...

So you think it should be confidential - except for the bits the Government wants to make public?

It shouldn't work like that, and I'm glad that it doesn't.