Saturday 6 March 2010

Scotland wee?

Scotland small?

Scotland is often referred to as a small nation (I think that it's just the right size, but there you go) and that can obscure our actual position. Our population is 5,168,500 or thereabouts making us about the 113th most populous country in the world with about 124 countries smaller than us. We've got 78,722 square kilometres, putting us about 116th in terms of land mass, 121 countries being smaller than us. We are, as it were, about the middle in terms of size, we fit in nicely.

Size is all-important, apparently ...


Anonymous said...
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CrazyDaisy said...


It's only in the mind, we can be as big as our aspirations take us. Positive thinking and hard graft can go along way, it's just convincing everyone that we can do it.