Wednesday 18 March 2009

Brown at what cost?

Flabber your gasted thank you very much! I was perusing the blog of a Dundee wifie and came upon an exchange with another person which I can't find again, but it did point me to a story in the Steamie about Goggsy Broon. Apparently he pays £150 for a haircut (I pay a tenner, including tip - less of your cheeky comments up the back there), £795 for a suit, £65 for a shirt, £350 for a pair of shoes (and buys six pairs at a time), £14 for a pair of socks (which he buys in 20 packs), and leaves half the food on his plate (my mother would give him a thick ear).

Right in touch with the ordinary people struggling to survive in his economic disaster then...

While I'm on the subject and having a right good rant, I was in the Doctors' waiting room (you've got to watch these Green types, you know) and read James' bit about Brown threatening Iran with sanctions if it doesn't develop nuclear power. Hah, thinks I, that daft laddie has read that wrong and I moseyed (how do you spell that word?) on over to the original article to get the truth (for use in mocking activities).

Shocked, stunned and not a little amazed was I! I had a look elsewhere and things might look a bit different here and there (why do all these lightweights want to be Barack Obama's wee brother? Surely they can stand on their own records rather than have to pretend that "Mr President would have said it if he'd been me") but still there's Brown driving nuclear power down the throats of the Iranians. A Labour Prime Minister, a Labour Prime Minister, flying around the world delivering nuclear power. Through the looking glass indeed!


subrosa said...

Think it was one of my commenters who mentioned Brown's habits Calum, I'm too tired to look tonight.

I must say, you certainly get your money's worth at the hairdresser :) I got a short back and sides today too but it was slightly more expensive than yours - about 7 times :( That included plucking out each grey hair individually of course!

Calum Cashley said...

I think you're right, it was in the comments.

Nothing wrong with grey hair I say!