Monday 23 March 2009

Gordon Brown to impose sanctions against Scotland?

Since Gordon Brown is threatening sanctions against Iran if it doesn't develop nuclear power and Labour is desperate to force new nuclear power stations on Scotland against the wishes of Scotland's Government, can we be expecting tanks on our lawns?


Key bored warrior. said...

The MOD have regular exercises on the Scottish borders, centered on Otterburn. One day as I came of the A69 to the M6 I spotted a fleet of Apache helicopters parked at Carlisle airport. (Yes there is one.)

Carlisle seems to have been favoured in history as a place to mass weapons and armies prior to any Scottish attempts at autonomy or diobedience of Westminster.

The Commandos from Arbroath have regular training session on clearing oil rigs and boarding ships.

Cape Wrath comes under regular bombardment as does Tain range.

As an ex member of the armed forces there is no shadow of doubt in my mind that Westminster will not hesitate to use force to protect the UKs interests. The two main contenders for the post that will pull that particular trigger are both on the record as saying they are prepared to do all it takes, and or, all in their power to prevent Scotland from leaving the UK.

If it can be done in Ireland, it will be done in Scotland, we would do well to remember that.

However that prospect will not deter me from voting for independence and doing all in my power to secure it. If any thing it makes me more determined.

- said...

No, but the 'Scottish Government' can expect to be legitimately overruled by the sovereign government of the United Kingdom on this issue.

subrosa said...

Many a true word typed in jest Calum. I'm with Key bored on this one and keeping an eye on the amount of exercises which take place in the Grampians, another good ground for certain activities.

OutLander said...

My guess Calum is that would-be Islamic terrorists will be encouraged to do something about it, then supplied with dud bombs to plant before being conveniently arrested.

As a result of this engineered terrorism scare, there will be a securing of the oil facilities by 'anti-terrorism units'.

Ring a bell, anyone?

The successful prevention will be portrayed as part of the 'Union Dividend', when if fact the whole thing will be stage managed from beginning to end.

Call me cynical...

Anonymous said...

Agreed-However, the snotgobbler WILL move before the GE in a years time.

HE knows that he will be thrown out then and he knows that the incoming tories will be more sympathetic to the Scots!

Watch this space!

Calum Cashley said...

Snotgobbler??? What on earth is a snotgobbler?

Anonymous said...


Calum Cashley said...

Earth - where we put capital letters at the start of sentences and use lower case for the rest of the sentence.


Calum Cashley said...
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Calum Cashley said...
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stopthepuritans said...

One more scare from the annals of Scottish politics. Don't drink, don't fornicate, don't fart in public, you may not live that extra five years. You'll be miserable for eighty years, but so what; we are doing god/Stalin's work!
Aagh! - the tanks are coming! - No they bloody aren't! Don't be so damned stupid! The only thing we need more of from our legislature is LESS legislation and less of THEM.

Calum Cashley said...

Ah, persecutor of poor wee religious people, that whooshing sound you keep hearing will be things going over your head ...

stopthepuritans said...

Unfortunately I am not one of the favoured ones who are in contact with god. Should I ever hear voices inside my head then I'll know I am either blesséd ou injurieux!