Thursday 21 January 2010

Labour - slow on the uptake

No, not Iain Gray's abysmal performance at FMQs today, but the news that Labour might have an iPhone app ready for launch in February - if they can work it out, and the Conservatives will launch theirs sometime, while the Lib Dems are just, well, the Lib Dems.

The SNP, being way ahead, of course, launched ours last year.

Mind how you phone!


subrosa said...

Do you get an iPhone if you join Calum? :)

Calum Cashley said...

I thought I was the only person left on the planet without one! I still use quill and parchment - and carrier pigeons.

Math Campbell-Sturgess said...

Point of fact, I've been trying to find the damned iPhone app; it's not on the AppStore, and I've not had much luck asking on the Party forums. I may just have to concede defeat and call party HQ…