Tuesday 18 November 2008

Now the answers

Remember that quiz?
Here's the answers - just the question and the answer that is given as correct in the study material for the citizenship test (which you now need to take for indefinite leave to remain). My comments are italicised (because I'm like that).

What percentage of the workforce are women?
B 45%
No, I didn't know either.

What proportion of young people who became first-time voters in the 2001 general election actually used their vote?
C One in five
They are, of course, only first time voters if they actually vote ...

What percentage of Christians in the UK are Roman Catholic?
A 10%
A most useful piece of information that one, oh yes.

When is New Year celebrated in the United Kingdom?
A 1 January
Well, actually, most of us celebrate round about midnight between the 31st of December and the 1st of January. Some people celebrate it from slightly earlier than that until slightly later than that. As Sean McLeod pointed out in the comments to the original post, Old New Year is still celebrated (middle of January, I think - 13th?). There's also the point that Scots celebrations traditionally took in January 2nd - a tradition which appears to be falling by the wayside.

When are local government elections held?
C May each year
Only in England (and it should be May most years, so I'm told) - in Scotland there is not another local election due until 2012, and I don't know about Wales, but there were elections in all councils in Wales this year, so I'm assuming that the Welsh system is similar to ours (is it?)

Where can you get a mortgage from?
Select two correct answers from below
A A bank
B A building society
Well, how can I put this ...

On average, boys leave school with better qualifications than girls.
Is this statement true or false?
B False
This is a truly vital piece of information you'll need as a new member of our society, it will greatly enhance your small talk at your local cocktail parties.

When is the national day for Northern Ireland?
B 17 March
Northern Ireland is a nation?

If you are buying a home in Scotland who should you approach first?
A A bank
B A solicitor
C An estate agent
D Your local MP
I've left all the answers in here. The book's answer is B - personally, I'd avoid solicitors like the lumpy plague until it's unavoidable (which reminds me - I must respond to the solicitor who emailed me a couple of weeks ago). What's wrong with seeing your bank first?

What types of discrimination can the Equal Opportunities Commission help with?
D Sex discrimination
As Sean McLeod pointed out, though, the EOC doesn't exist anymore. The Equality and Human Rights Commission covers all of the areas in the possible answers.

Why was there a fall in the number of people migrating to the UK from the West Indies, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh in the late 1960s and early 1970s?
C New laws were introduced restricting immigration to Britain
Is the subtext "so be grateful that you're getting in"?

Which voting system is used to elect the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly?
D Proportional representation
Well, some people may take issue with that definition - it's certainly better at proportionality than FPTP but it's not a pure proportional system. It does have a name though, it's called the Additional Member System.

At what ages are the Key Stage Tests held in England?
D 7, 11 and 14
There you go, now you know.

If you have a problem with your neighbours, who can you go to in order to solve the problem without taking the case to court?
B Mediator
Police, councillor, Environmental Health Department (depends on the problem, right enough).

What is the name of the ministerial position that is responsible for legal affairs?
D Lord Chancellor
Surely they mean the running of the judiciary in England? Home Secretary was one of the other answers - an equally possible construal of the question. As Sean says, though, could be Kenny MacAskill (or Eilish Angiolini).

When did married women gain the right to retain ownership of their own money and property?
D 1882
Exactly what relevance does this have to someone who wants to come and live here? Is it a not-so-subtle dig at people who might be coming from 'backward' cultures? We were, after all, only following the Islamic tradition.

What percentage of children live within a stepfamily?
A 10%
Again - what relevance has this for immigration?

Hereditary peers have lost the right to attend the House of Lords.
Is this statement true or false?
A True
No it's not. 92 hereditary peers still have the right to attend the House of Lords.

What is the title of the King or Queen within the Church of England?
D Supreme Governor
Do you really need to know that if you're not a member of the CoE? I was quite happy not knowing that. No doubt I'll be happy again, but I was fine not knowing.

When might you need a CRB check?
B When applying for work that involves children or vulnerable people
Except in Scotland - SCRO Disclosure check here. (CRB is the Criminal Records Bureau - like a writing desk with Val Doonican LPs on it - and SCRO is the Scottish Criminal Record Office)

At what age do school children take their first national test in Wales?
D 14
Much as I love the Welsh and I greatly appreciated all the help they gave us when they came up in their hordes to help us in Glasgow East and Glenrothes (I thought they should use the train, but hordes did fine), I have no desire to know when they take school tests - and I have no idea why anyone wanting to settle anywhere else might want to know - and if you were settling in Wales someone would tell you - probably the teacher.

What is the distance from John O'Groats on the north coast of Scotland to Land's End in the south-west corner of England?
D Approximately 870 miles (1,400 kilometres)
Doesn't look that far on the map.

What is the name of the established church in Scotland?
D The Presbyterian Church
Eh? Which Presbyterian church? I was under the impression that the Church of Scotland was the established church in Scotland. Sean McLeod says it's a recognised church rather than an established church (it's the big spire, you can recognise it for miles around) but I don't know what a recognised church is. Again, though, what relevance does this have for an immigrant?

When will the British government adopt the euro as the UK's currency?
D When the British people vote for it in a referendum
The phrase 'howls of derision' comes to mind.

There are more men in study at university than women.
Is this statement true or false?
B False
Who cares? (other than those studying, their relatives, potential employers, workforce planners, government statisticians, and Eric from the paper shop on the corner of my street) and what relevance does it have to immigrants?

How many member states are there in the Commonwealth?
C 53 member states
A subtle hint to go settle elsewhere? "Look, 53 other countries, most with better weather than us. You'd be happier there, wouldn't you?"

What is the purpose of the Council of Europe?
D To develop conventions which focus on human rights, democracy, education, the environment, health and culture.
A fine institution.

The final point I want to make - the National Anthem is not 29 words long, listen.


Scott @ loveandgarbage said...

Given your dislike of lawyers I hesitate to add anything to your neat demolition of this nonsense from the state, but thought the following would appeal to your nationalist tendencies.

"When did married women gain the right to retain ownership of their own money and property?
D 1882"

Wrong for Scots law - but as you show they get lots of Scots law wrong. The Married Women's Property (Scotland) Act 1881 abolished the husband's right to jus mariti for marriages after July 1881 - but it did not apply to marriages entered into beforehand where the property had already transferred. And while the wife might have kept ownership the husband still had to consent if she wanted to dispose of it and this was only abolished with the Married Women's Property (Scotland) Act 1920.

(and you're right the Chruch of Scotland is the established church in Scotland, there's statutes and all sorts from the 1500s onwards).



PS the HBoS comments on conflict of interest I made earlier should suggest some digging at board minutes is required. All this needs to have had board approval - but if that's there the statutory rules effectively allow whitewashing of the legal defects. Not great for shareholders generally, but it's what we're stuck with at the minute.

PPS On who would you go to if wanting to buy a property? For me first stop would be the financial adviser or the bank to determine how much I can borrow, only once that's in place would I go to the lawyer. You don't want to get stuck in missives where you can't pay the price.

Calum Cashley said...

I have been most engrossed in the articles of association of these financial institutions.