Tuesday 12 May 2009

Cameron is right

I find myself dumfoonert, I'm agreeing with David Cameron! He's sacking anyone in his party who has made an excessive expenses claim and refuses to repay it. Well done, and I hope that that is an example followed by all of the other party leaders.


James Mackenzie said...

What about the curry-master, then?

Anonymous said...

Yup spot the difference between DC's firm and reassuring , "We will stand on this hard and stamp it out" stance ....

And GB's weaselly "we will have a committee and see what they report"

It aint hard to see what is wrong , where is his moral compass the noo ?

Stuck somewhere in a committee pointing firmly to the floor ?

John Robertson Nicoll said...

As far as matters within parties goes, maybe its time for a little less democracy and a little more knocking together of heads a la big Dave Cameron.