Friday 28 August 2009


Stuart Dickson pointed out in the comments to my last post that Michael Martin has been "elevated" to the House of Lords as Baron Martin of Springburn. Read it in all its glory for yourself in the London Gazette. I'm glad that's sorted - for a while there I wondered how he'd get by without any expenses.

Mind how you go my Lord!


brownlie said...

When I worked for the Labour party, when it at least pretended to be a Labour party, one of the first things I was shown by an old hand was how to fill in my expenses forms. I don't suppose Lord Martin will need any help ...

Anonymous said...

It's ridiculous.

Sophia Pangloss said...

So when's the bleedin by-election then? Springburners should be out on the streets! Who represents them now?

Ron Wilson said...

Aye, they fill their boots before breakfast, before lunch and after dinner.
An utter disgrace from the self-styled 'mother of parliaments'.

Anonymous said...

There are obvious merits to having the physique of a Weeble...

I wonder what skeletons he's keeping under wraps in return?