Every time we say goodbye, I die a little
Every time we say goodbye I wonder why a little
Why the Gods above me,who must be in the know..
Think so little of me they allow you to go

When you're near,there's such an air of spring about it
I can hear a lark somewhere begin to sing about it
There's no lovesong finer
But how strange the change from major to minor
Every time we say goodbye

Why the Gods above me,who must be in the know..
Think so little of me they allow you to go
When you're near,there's such an air of spring about it
I can hear a lark somewhere begin to sing about it
There's no lovesong finer
But how strange the change from major to minor
Every time we say goodbye

"Another MSP, who wanted to remain anonymous, said he believed Ms Alexander had been the victim of a "stitch-up" and was being "victimised". "
From today's Scotsman...
In the same piece Michal McMahon also accuses Dyer of 'wanting a piece of the action' and that this was typical of him!
Does your learn'd friend have an opinion on whether its fine for McMahon to call Dyers charatcer into question...not to mention the anon MSP who claimed it was all a stitch up from Dyer?
Beyond peradventure, statements defamatory of Dr. Dyer.
He should find a good lawyer to sue, sue, sue.
The term “victim” is not a word one legally associates with natural born persons who commit crimes and offences malum in se and malum prohibitum.
Section 39 of the Scotland Act 1998 and the Interests of Members of the Scottish Parliament Act 2006 are as clear on the question of gifts and criminality as it is possible to be.
Only Superman can turn back time and save the day. When Wendy spoke to the clerks, it was too late. The offence was committed. The advice given or not given on the basis of what was said or was not said or written or not written is as relevant to the issue as the phase of the moon at the time concerned.
Dyer was reappointed on 16 March 2006. Among those voting for his reappointment was a certain MSP by the name of McMahon. What has changed since then, I wonder?
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