Saturday 3 January 2009

Up You Could Not Make It

The word on the streets (or, at least, the story in The Times) is that 'Tough Love' Darling is now considering another bail-out for the banks. This time he's thinking about buying up the dodgy loans they made (which are now, by and large, worthless because the borrowers cannot afford to repay them - partly as a result of the mess the economy is in which, in turn, was partly caused by incompetence at UK Minister level) so that the banks can get lending levels back to 2007 levels - which they could only do by *ahem* relaxing the stricter lending practices that they have introduced. Genius, isn't it? The banks are taking action to clean up their act in the aftermath of collapses caused by poor lending practices and the Government is seeking to force them to carry on being irresponsible. Looks like we're in for more nonsense from the Brown/Darling Axis of Unthinking.

The Farepak victims still haven't seen a penny in compensation, though ...


Anonymous said...

Calum (do you mind if I call you 'Caz' or 'Cazza' in future?), Yousuf has composed a blog post that alleges Scottish Labour membership is 20,000.

You don't fancy going and putting him in his place, do you?

Calum Cashley said...

Caz? Cazza? Away and raffle.

He's just a wee lad copying his party's news releases, it's probably not fair to pick on him.

Then again ...

Yousuf Hamid said...

I'm just going on the figures that both the Scotsman said and that the Labour party quoted in the piece. You'll have to put the Scotsman in their place first!!

Calum Cashley said...

And who gave the Scotsman the figures?