Friday 9 January 2009

What a budget, what a budget ...

Everyone agrees - an excellent Budget Bill brought forward by John Swinney.

For the Lib Dems, Jeremy Purvis:
"Scotland needs a dedicated ... Scottish Government, so far they have been"
For Labour, Andrew Kerr:
"Scots are looking to the Scottish Government to provide ambitious leadership to protect jobs."
A Conservative source:
"We are optimistic."

The Greens:
"With Parliament's clear support, the Scottish Government now has an opportunity"

I'd check the links for those quotes if I were you, context is everything.

CBI Scotland:
“We very much welcome the further cut in business rates for small firms and the effort to keep council tax bills down"

given the difficulties our economy is experiencing at the moment, it is crucial that legislators behave collegiately and that Parliament passes a Budget that provides business with the certainty and stability it needs

The FSB:
The Scottish Government's intention to fully implement the Small Business Bonus – removing thousands of small firms from the burden of inflexible and disproportionate rates bills – will be welcomed by huge numbers of Scottish small firms and has the potential to make a real economic difference.
Mind how you go!


Anonymous said...

This is like insanity.

No wonder no-one reads this blog.

Calum Cashley said...

Except you!

Jim said...

(Radio Scotland, last week) When asked what cuts he would make to pay for his 2p cut in income tax (cost £800 million), the Libs Dems Jemery Purvis's answer was that "money has been wasted on free school meals for middle class kids who didn't need it."

I am grateful that clueless ****s like him are treated with disdain.