Monday 8 March 2010

Joan McAlpine - she's no bad

I find myself in agreement with Joan McAlpine (a journalist whose style tends to the succinct and direct - excellent) in her recent musings. I, too, wonder why some media outlets seem to think it perfectly acceptable to traduce the character of a young lady on the basis of hearsay while failing to question the failure of senior members of the Labour party to have even a smidgen of good grace about a colleague of theirs departing politics (apparently permanently - but you can never be certain). There were interesting revelations in her column this week, too, about the one lawyer representing so many newspapers on a regular basis that snapping him up for a client effectively neuters a fair chunk of Scotland's press pack and in the piece by her colleague on the paper about who would turn up at a Glasgow Labour fund-raiser.

We need good journalists as much as we need good politicians, keep it up!


cynicalHighlander said...

Might be interesting to know who The BBC in Scotland use for legal advice!

Calum Cashley said...

BBC's got an in-house team

The guy in Glasgow (whose name I have forgotten, to my shame) is top-notch in media lawyering, apparently.

Unknown said...

'timesonline scotland' has more on the purcell affair today