Tuesday 1 September 2009

1,000 more police - another promise kept

In our manifesto in 2007, the SNP promised 1,000 additional police officers in Scotland. Today there are 1,044 more than in 2007 - promise delivered a year and a half early. Not bad, I think.

Actual figures - 16,234 police in May 2007 and 17,278 now.

Jolly good show, what?


Anonymous said...

The usual suspects in the media will ignore this news (or put some unbelievable anti-SNP spin on it).

Anonymous said...

BBC Teletext reports that the SNP Govt. has been accused of "political grandstanding" by its opponents!!!!!!

Pollster 2000 said...

The BBC's coverage of Megrahi (online especially) has been fairly partial and editorialised.

I`ve just checked the BBC Scotland News website.

They do have a link to the police promise being met...but sadly it goes to 'Page not Found'.

I look forward to the conspiracy theories!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what the respective figures are for England and Wales over the same period?

Anonymous said...

Daily Mail---SNP police numbers boast backfires.

(It quotes a Police federation rep saying Strathclyde needs more police officers)

Calum Cashley said...

Ah, Les Gray, the man who does like a bit of publicity, like this letter: http://www.theherald.co.uk/features/letters/display.var.1784414.0.0.php

Or this ill-thought-out comment: http://news.scotsman.com/scotland/Law-change-that-could-have.4849362.jp

Or what about when Kenny MacAskill made sure that Scottish police officers got the full pay award a while back and English Federation officials were praising the Scottish Government, Les Gray's response was: "I cannot believe the way my colleagues from the rest of the UK have been treated,"
