Thursday 8 November 2007

How bizarre, how bizarre

Today in Parliament ...

The Labour Party has brought forward a motion for debate which, if passed, will mean that there will be chamber debates on each of the SNP Government's five Cabinet Secretaries' portfolio areas.

Sounds like a cunning wheeze, eh? Actually, it's another Homer Simpson moment for Labour.

It would do away with the careful scrutiny of the budget currently undertaken by the Scottish Parliament committees, so there would actually be less scrutiny of the budget process. D'oh!

It's another indication of Labour's failure to understand the Scottish Parliament and how it is supposed to work. I find myself wondering whether that's why they have had such a lack of respect for the parliamentary process over the years or that the lack of respect is the reason for the failure to understand Parliament.

Whichever way round it is, it's marked that they're trying to change Parliamentary procedure using today's debate when that's the wrong way to do it. The proper way to change procedure, of course, is through the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee (I think there's a clue in the title of the committee). Surely after 8 years Labour MSPs should know how Parliament works?

Perhaps I expect too much of them?

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